Sunday, September 25, 2011

To Answer Your Question...

God doesn't make mistakes.  I have to keep reminding myself of that every minute of every hour of every day.  If I don't, I feel myself slipping backwards down a slippery slope that won't let down until I've hit rock bottom.

Our house is just about packed up, but I refuse to pack our bedroom, E Baby's room, and our living room.  Doing that would mean I accept the fact we are leaving.  I just can't.  Why would we have made such great friends and get so rooted into our community, just to up and leave?  It's not right.  We were given an amazing church family, that quite frankly, is "Second" to none.  I consider the couples in our Bible study class to be some of my best friends, and I have been so excited for Elliot to have so many great role models to look up to.  I'm writing this high (not literally, please don't call the cops) off of a great time with some people who, whether they know it or not, have made such an impact on my life.  The fact that all of these people came together for us tonight is beyond humbling, and words could never express the gratitude and love I have for each and every one of them.

Here are a few answers to questions I've gotten over the past few weeks:

1.) I've had a few people ask me if I suffer from anxiety/depression.  Truth is, yes...and no. In late high school and throughout college I did pretty badly.  Sometimes, I didn't know if I would ever make it out.  I was finally medicated my jr. year in college, but the only dosage strong enough to work would knock me out for a day and a half, and I started having nightmares as a side effect to one of them.  Even though I was still suffering, I took myself off the medicine.  It wasn't until about a year ago that I started dealing with some deep seeded issues and was able to get to the bottom of everything.  After a Bible study one Sunday when we went over this passage:

2 Corinthians 1:3-7  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.  He comforts us i all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction through the comfort we ourselves receive from God.  For as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so our comfort overflows through Christ.  If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation' if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is experienced in the endurance of the same sufferings that we suffer.  And our hope for you is firm, because we know that as you share in the sufferings, so you will share in the comfort."

In a nutshell, we suffer so we can receive comfort from God, so we can give comfort to those who are suffering.  It was then that I was able to realize that I needed (and was able) to let go and forgive.  Once I was able to forgive, my anxieties literally dissolved.  I knew the gift I had been given, and I then planned to use it.  I don't mean to be mysterious, but I won't be talking about it until I can use it with everything I have.

2. My dad got a very concerning email.  To answer their question, no, my parents NEVER beat me.  Quite the opposite, actually.  They are the most loving parents anyone could want.  My brothers think they love me too much.  Seriously, how does one love their youngest child/only daughter too much?  Silly brothers!

3. A few sweet friends have tried to explain to me why I feel so connected to Houston and why I consider it home.  Yes, this is where Jarrod and I lived when we first got married, we built our first house here and this is where Elliot was born.  It goes so much deeper than that, though.  Here's a little Edwards family history!
My mom and dad grew up in the Dallas area and are Texans to the core.  Because of my dad's job, they moved from Dallas to Houston to New Orleans to Houston to Virginia (I was born there) to Lafayette to Opelousas (I think in that order). Because we weren't originally from Louisiana, we didn't have the Cajun culture, and because of all that, I never really felt like I belonged anywhere.  I wasn't Texan, because other than seeing my grandparents a few times a year, I had never been in Texas very much.  I wasn't Virginian (is that a word), because I moved from there when I was three.  I wasn't Louisianian because my family wasn't from there.  When people asked me where I was from, I would tell them, "America" because I didn't exactly know how to answer that questions.  Until now. Now, I was born in Virginia and raised in Louisiana, but I'm from Texas. Now, I know where I'm from, and I know where I belong. It's not because we built our house and home here or because this is where Elliot was born.  It's because this is where I was supposed to be all along.  {Mom, yes, as hard as I fought it, you raised a Texas sweetheart.  Please stop gloating! ;)}

4. I do suffer from Mitral Valve Prolapse , but it's really not that big of a deal.  Because one of my heart valves doesn't close all the way, blood leaks through and my heart has to catch up sometimes.  This usually happens in high pressure situations...or when I'm bogged down with anxiety.  What will happen is my heart will beat really quickly for a few minutes.  Sometimes it just feels like butterflies are flapping their wings really quickly in my chest, but other times it feels as if someone were pounding on my chest as hard as they can, and it literally takes my breath away and makes me feel dizzy/faint.

5. I don't suffer from postpartum depression.  My OB/Gyn told me that because of my background, I was at a higher risk of suffering from postpartum depression, and for the first couple weeks after Elliot was born I sat there terrified that at any second I would "catch" it.  Thankfully, I never did :)

This Friday morning, Jarrod and I will be getting in our cars and leaving our house for the last time.  We will be leaving our family who has become our best friends, the friends with the year round gay Christmas lights (sorry, I had to one last time!), the ones who made me realize how expensive a long last name can be, and a girl who told me her leg fell off, just so I could get out of a stressful situation (don't worry, her leg is fine and dandy!).

This Friday afternoon, Jarrod and I will be arriving at our new (town)house.  We will be closer to family who we will enjoy more than I can imagine, we will make new memories with old friends, we will make new friends, and I will craft...a lot.

After all is said and done, Jarrod, Elliot, and I (and maybe another kid or two) will be back in Houston.  I don't know when, or how, or where, but rest assured, we WILL be back.

I would also like to promise you that E Baby will NOT have a Cajun accent.  Ever.  Seriously.  Ever.

I'll leave you with one last it should be...


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Anywhere But There

My heart hurts.  Literally.  Not in the, "I'm really sad" sense (which I am), but I feel my MVP acting up and there is nothing I can do to stop it. My stomach has been in knots for days too.  So much so, that even the thought of food makes me want to vomit.  Since I'm still breastfeeding, I eat when I can and just pray that it all stays down.   Oh, and then there is the pounding headache and blurry vision I've had since Friday.  Not even my beloved Butalbital or Tiger Balm is helping.  I also can't seem to shake the nightmares I'm having of CPS taking Elliot away from me for being a bad mom.  I find myself walking in circles not knowing what to do, but not being able to be still. I don't know how these feelings could get any worse, but I know they can.  They always can, and I'll be waiting for them when they come knocking at my door.

Here's the scoop:

Last April, Jarrod interviewed for a higher position with his company.  They decided that instead of hiring him for that particular job, they would expand his territory to ALL of Texas except for the panhandle.  For a couple of days though, we were excited about the possibility of moving to Louisiana and being closer to my parents.  I never told him about the mixed feelings I had, and I'd probably be more upset about leaving home than excited about moving to Louisiana.  When he was given the promotion instead, to say that I was secretly relieved would be an understatement.

Fast forward several months. This past Thursday (a week ago, today) Jarrod's boss asked if he would be interested in moving to Louisiana.  Since I never told him that I never wanted to go, Jarrod told him that we would all LOVE to move back. Friday morning, he was told to be in Morgan City Monday morning.  Friday evening we were told that they would be taking us out to dinner on Sunday evening instead of a meeting on Monday.  So, at dinner, Jarrod was presented with an offer, and I immediately told him I didn't want to go.  The whole trip home, I cried, because I knew deep down Jarrod was going to say, "yes."  By Monday evening we decided to stay, move, and stay again.  By Tuesday the decision had been made.  We are moving.  But wait, it gets better.  Not only are we moving, but we ONLY have a month before Jarrod will be the Sales Manager at LAPCO over the whole company.  ONE MONTH to take in all of Houston that I can before we are shipped to an entirely different world.

Please, don't get me wrong.  I'm thrilled for Jarrod.  This is a huge opportunity for him that will open countless doors of even more opportunities in the future. I'm just a little sad for me, and terrified for Elliot. Houston is HOME.  It has been since Jarrod and I started dating.  It always will be.

Jarrod told me to give it a year.  If I was still miserable, we could come back.  While I don't want to have these feelings and be miserable for an entire year, my deepest desire is to be here.  Home.

So, for now, instead of browsing pinterest to get amazing ideas for our house, I will be staging it for strangers to walk in and see how amazing (or horrific) it is.  I know in my head that this is (probably) the best thing for us, but right now my heart is taking a little more convincing.

That is all the news I have for now.  I will try and update as we figure out a little more like where we'll live and when we'll actually be moving.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hello, Again!

Before Elliot was born, new (and old) moms would complain about not having enough time to do what they wanted.  This would make me so mad, because I figured that if they really wanted to do it, they would find the time.  HA!  Let's just say that crafting is a thing of the past and clean hair is a luxury much to be desired!  Having said that, I wouldn't trade being a trophy wife/stay at home mom for the world.  I was prepared to be completely disheveled and feel like I was walking around in circles dreaming of sleep.  Lack of sleep I can handle, but not having me time? MAKES.  ME.  CRAZY!

Now that I've got that off my chest, here's what's been going on the past three and a half months.

On June 19th I got baptized.  I walked the aisle when I was five, but actually got saved my freshman year of high school.

On June 22, we added a sister to our Conner Clan!  Jarrod's little brother, Jess, married his gorgeous wife, Kayla, in Cancun.  As beautiful as she is on the inside, she's even more so on the inside.  She has a heart of gold, and a spirit for the Lord.  I honestly couldn't have picked a better wife for Jess, and I can't wait to see them grow old and moldy together!

July was the month of not being at home!  We had two baby showers hosted by our sweet friends and family in Opelousas and Woodville.  Since I wasn't allowed to travel before E Baby was born, we had to have them after, but they were better than I could have imagined!  Jess and Kayla also had a reception in Woodville for the friends and family who weren't able to make it to Cancun.  This made me especially happy since E was 5 weeks old when they got married, and my doctor told me I was crazy for wanting to take her to Mexico!

And then we get to August!  Jarrod and I have made it a point to veg out as much as possible to recover from last month...except we painted our bedroom.  Again.  That's right people, puberty boy blue is out, and slate grey, teal, white, and new curtains are SO in!  We put our dresser and chest in the closet and it makes the room look so fresh and clean.  I love it!  Next weekend, I'm going to tackle our bath room.  I seriously can't wait!

Now we get to the gross part of parenting.  Diapers.  At the beginning of July, we started using cloth diapers for Elliot.  No, we aren't those psycho crazy hippie people who want to save the world one plastic diaper at a time!  We (and by we I mean I) decided to use cloth for economic reasons.  While it is quite a large initial investment (thanks to Mom, not quite so large - thanks!) it's actually a lot cheaper in the long run.  Not only will we be able to use the same ones until she's potty trained, but we can use them for all our kids, ANNNDDD people will actually buy them for about what we paid when we're done with them.  Gross, I know, but to each his own!  Now, don't get me wrong, besides the fact that they come in all sorts of cute colors and prints, there is NOTHING glamorous about it.  They are, in fact, still diapers...and I'll just leave it at that!  But seriously, imagine not having to buy anymore diapers.  Ever!  By the way, in case you were curious, we use fuzzi bunz and bum genius.  They're awesome and I highly recommend both!

Anywho, I think that's about it for now.  Hopefully it won't be three months before we meet again!

Oh yeah, go check out Jarrod's blog.  It'll totally make him feel special!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Elliot Is Here!

Well, it's been 10 days since Belliot decided to become Elliot, and I couldn't love her any more!  So here's the scoop on what went down the weeks and days before Elliot's arrival...

April 29, 2011
I had another appointment, and basically the only different news we got is that my doctor told me if I could make it to 38 weeks (one more week) she would consider inducing me.  WHAT?!  Up until this week I was completely against being induced.  My philosophy was, "If baby wasn't coming out, that meant she wasn't ready to come out."  At this point, my philosophy was, "If mommy is ready for baby to come out, baby is coming out!"  My doctor wanted me to make an appointment for early the following Thursday so she could check Elliot and I out and make a decision then.

May 5, 2011
Jarrod and I had all but convinced ourselves that my doctor wouldn't want to induce me.  I'm not sure if we were just trying to not get our hopes up, or if we legitimately believed that, but when we walked into the office that afternoon, we were not expecting to hear what she had to say! First, the nurse tested my urine sample and found protein (this is one symptom of pre-eclampsia).  After my doctor came in and told me she was for sure going to induce me that Saturday, because she had an excuse now, she measured my belly.  Since I quit growing three weeks before and I had lost 6-8 pounds in the past two weeks, she was a little concerned about my fluid levels. She did another quick ultra sound to check everything out and said we were good to go.  It was so cool getting to see her one last time before she was born!  Jarrod and I left the appointment with instructions to call between 5:30-6:00 Saturday morning...and even more excited than we could have imagined!

May 7, 2011
Here is a timeline of the day's events
5:31 am - I woke up and called the hospital.  I was told no beds or nurses were available, and if I hadn't received a phone call between 8:00-9:00 to call them back.
9:07 am - I called the hospital again.  Still no beds or nurses.  The nurse told me there were a ton of pregnant women in labor coming in and I probably wouldn't get in that day.  She suggested I call back at 11:00.
9:08-11:00 am - Jarrod, Mom, and I played 4298710987 games of Sequence while Daddy played on his iPad...I mean read the paper!
11:00 am - I called the hospital and talked to the sweetest nurse ever.  I told her why I was being induced (I may or may not have made it sound a little worse than it actually was, but I'm not admitting to anything!) and she said she would talk to my doctor, but I would probably get in since I had a medical emergency, but I needed to call back at 12:00 just to make sure.  There is hope after all!!!
12:02 pm - When I called back (again) I was told that I would definitely be getting in, they were just getting a bed and nurse ready for me.  They would call me back as soon as they had everything situated!
1:15 pm - The hospital FINALLY called me back and told me to go ahead and go to the Labor and Delivery ward.  I told them it would take me about 45 minutes to get there (it only takes 15 at the most to get there, and I'm still not exactly sure why I told them 45.  I'm glad I d id though, because it gave me a chance to catch my breath and really take in what was going on.)
Everything else I don't have a time for, and it's all pretty much a blur!
Sometime around 2:00 we got to the hospital and I was ushered into my room where my nurse was already waiting on me. (Her name is Brandi, and if you are delivering at Texas Women's, you HAVE to request her.  She.  Is.  AWESOME!)  Blah blah blah, I changed into the hospital gown...blah blah blah I answered tons of questions...blah blah blah...
3:00(ish) - My nurse started my IV with Pitocin and sugar water.  I didn't pass out.  You have no idea how big of a deal that is!
 Jill - 1  Labor and Delivery - 0
Sometime after 3:00 -  My parents, Jeremy, Stephanie, and their girls came in to visit.  This was super nice, because it gave me a chance to not think about anything and just enjoy (part of) my family.  My doctor came in to check on me and basically told my nurse that my contractions were really strong/bad, but I was laughing and joking around and not showing any pain, so she was going to go ahead and break my water.
5:02 - 2cm.  Water is broken!
5:15 - 4cm.  Back labor has begun.  Begging nurse for epidural.
Jill - 1  Labor and Delivery - 1
5:35 - 6cm.  Epidural has been completed and proven itself effective.  I feel like a champ, even though Jarrod has dropped my leg a time or two.
Jill - 2  Labor and Delivery - 1  Jarrod 1
7:00 - Shift change for the nurses.  Insert Heather.  She's pretty awesome too!
7:00 - 9:?? - I'm not really sure what happened in this time period.  I do remember Jarrod's and my parents being there for a little bit, but that's all I can remember.
9:00ish - Heather kicks everyone out and checks me.  10cm!
Jill - 3  Labor and Delivery - 2  Jarrod - 1  
She called my doctor who came by to check on me.  She told me to hang out while she performed a procedure and jokingly said she hoped she'd be back before Elliot was born.  Little did she know...
9:35 - I asked the nurse to check me again, because I was pretty sure the baby was falling out.  She said the baby wasn't going to fall out, but when she checked, she called the dr. and told me it was TIME TO PUSH!!!
9:45 - I had to stop pushing, because Elliot was coming to quickly.  The anesthesiologist called to check on me and make sure the epidural was still working. The nurse had to hold the baby in while Jarrod answered the phone.  We will be billing the hospital for Jarrod's services. ;)
9:48 - My dr. finally showed up, and was cracking jokes with me while she and the rest of her crew were getting ready for me to deliver. I warned her not to do that, because the baby was getting ready to fall out.  She looked at what I was talking about...and quickly stopped talking!
9:50 - I was finally able to start pushing again!
9:55 - My world changed forever.

Thanks to my doctor and the wonderful nurses at Women's Hospital, this experience was far better than I could have ever imagined.  I've even considered giving Jarrod one or two more!

Elliot Josslyn Conner
7 pounds 6 ounces
20 inches long
9:55 pm

Elliot's first bath. 

Sweet baby girl!

Proud Daddy!

This picture melts my heart.

Now I know what love is.

First family photo!
20 inches long

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Elliot's Nursery

Ok, so I wasn't going to post any pictures of Elliot's room until after she was born, but quite frankly, I just can't keep it a secret anymore!


I promise I'm putting up curtains (see below)!

My favorite part of her room...the chandelier!

The pitcher in the background provided the inspiration for her room!

The dresser and chest were bought as antiques by my parents before I was born!
I repainted them white (the were stained an orange-brown) and I absolutely LOVE how they turned out!

Elliot's Quilt
We should be getting it later this week.
I can't wait to see the finished product!

These are the curtains from hell and the only one's Elliot will ever have!
Her sweet Mimi is finishing them up and we should have them soon!

These got posted more or less because I'm bored, wanted to blog, and couldn't think of anything to write!  

Enjoy, but if you don't, don't tell me! :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Conner Genes

Today, Elliot had another photo shoot.  My doctor said she wasn't measuring well (she lied), so she scheduled an ultra sound so we could see her one last time!

If there was ever any doubt (which I assure you there wasn't!) about who Elliot's daddy is, this ultra sound cleared it right up.  She is, by far, her daddy's girl!  Seriously.  They even make the same facial expressions!

Here are some pretty cool things we got to see today:
1. Her face.  She's got the fattest little cheeks and the cutest lips.  EVER!
2. Her feet.  She's even got Jarrod's feet...down to the second and third toes being longer than the first!
3. Her hair.  She's got a TON of hair and long eyelashes.  I feel these are the only attributes I contributed to our child!
4. Her hands.  Her long fingers are going to be perfect for setting and hitting volleyballs!
5. Ok, let's be honest with each other.  Every bit of her is super adorable, and she is absolutely PERFECT!

Elliot is weighing in at 5 pounds 6 ounces.  I've decided that's big enough, and I'm ready for her to come out now!

Below are some pictures we got today:

Elliot's Heartbeat in the mid 130's.

Sleepy Baby

This picture just screams, "Jarrod!"

Fat cheeks, I can't wait to squeeeeze them!!!

Daddy's feet.  I'm starting to wonder if this child is even mine!
Part of her profile.  Look how cute those little lips are!

All those white spikey looking things are her hair!

I apologize for all of the pictures, and I do realize I have become "that parent" who shows everybody all of the pictures their child has ever taken.  I just can't help it :)

I'm still having a ton of contractions.  Some are really painful, but for the most part, they've become bearable again.  We have another appointment on Friday, so I will update everyone then.  Hopefully I will have dilated even more and my doctor will say, "Jill, let's have that baby today!" 

Until then...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wish You Were Here...

As I write this from my living room couch, I wish I was there too! But, as Jarrod's and my second anniversary approaches, we will be sitting on our couch, watching movies, and eating take-out. That's right, people, this lady is back on bed rest, and this time my doctor means it!

Yesterday, we had our doctor's appointment and it couldn't have come any sooner. Ever since Sunday, my contractions continually got worse. At 34 weeks I was convinced my uterus was going to fall out. Awesome, right?! Any who, my doctor checked my cervix, and sure enough I am almost 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Progress! After she checked my cervix, she did a quick ultra sound to make sure Elliot is doing well. Anyone care to guess how rotten this little girl is? No need, I'll go ahead and tell you...since being on bed rest, Elliot has been such a good baby, but now when I'm ready for her to come out, she of course is breach. Thanks girl, 'preciate it! When I told her what all had been going on this past week and seeing how much pain I was in (and maybe even a few minutes of begging her to induce me), she sent me over to the hospital's testing center to see why my contractions were so hard.

When I first got there, my contractions were 6-8 minutes apart. They tested my blood to see if Elliot's had gotten mixed in with mine. Negative. I also got a nice shot of muscle relaxers and pain killers and a pill to stop my contractions. When my contractions were far enough apart, I was released on STRICT bed rest. Our next big ultra sound is Monday and appointment is Friday.

I know we've only got two more weeks until Elliot is considered term, but I can't help but feel a little selfish and hope she comes out before then (like today). Please pray for my patience and comfort, Elliot's development, and Jarrod's continued support as the three of us take these next few weeks day to day.

Until Monday...

Monday, March 21, 2011


Jarrod came up with that one! ;)

So, here's what has been going on the past two weeks...

1. I'm figuring out Elliot's schedule a little better.  I figure I better start preparing for it now!

2. My contractions as a whole are getting a lot better.  The bad ones still hurt, and leave me pretty sore, but they are much less frequent than before.

3. Mom came in last week while Jarrod was out of town.  I think for the first time ever, I ran her ragged!  I felt soooooo good, so I wanted to get as much in while I could!  She even took me to the rodeo where we got to see Martina McBride (sorry you weren't able to come, Rod!)

4. I got to have lunch with some beautiful women from back home, Mrs. Emerson and Julie.  They are ALWAYS a good time, and laughing with them about our ditziness is second to none!

5. Daddy wanted Elliot born in Opelousas, so he snuck me out of Texas for a quick visit!  Ok, ok, so it didn't REALLY go like that, but it was nice to get out of Houston for the first time since Christmas!

6. I've just about finished Elliot's dresser.  It's adorable and she better love it!  The chest on the other hand...well...lets just hope that gets done BEFORE she's born!

That's about it in the boring life of Jill...

My dr. appointment went well enough on Wednesday, although I'm pretty upset with her.  I have officially lost my VIP status. :(  Not only did I have to wait for more than 5 minutes (think closer to an hour) before they let me in the back, but this week was the first time she hasn't done an ultra-sound on me since I started having contractions!  I think she tried to make up for it though by telling me she is going to schedule another "big" one, so I can see her again!

Other than that, Elliot has made it past the 30 week mark, which gives her a 90% chance of survival if she's born today, and an 80% chance that there won't be anything wrong with her!

That's about all for now.  Please continue to pray for Elliot's safety and my sanity!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Edwards Genes


Today is a really good day! :)  Not only did I get great news from my doctor, I got to craft (more on that later)!

At the appointment, I considered myself VIP at the dr.'s office. I barely had time to sit down before I was called to the back, was put in a room right next to the bathroom (prime real estate for this pregnant lady), and I left before anyone else had a chance to make it back there.  Oh yeah.  Preferred customer!

Here are the updates:

1. Everything is the same.  Again, I apologize for all the suspense!

But seriously...

1. I don't have gestational diabetes.  I consider this a HUGE blessing, not only because it's diabetes (and who wants that?!) but also because my diet consists of mostly sugar - how else am I going to make sure Elliot is so sweet?!  ( I celebrated this news with a candy bar this afternoon!)

2. I had the "pleasure" of getting the RhoGAM shot today.  For those of you who don't know, I have a negative blood type, and this shot is to protect Elliot and I in case she has a positive blood type.  It basically keeps our blood from going at war against each other.  Anywho, enough with the science lecture.  If you have to get this shot and your nurse tells you it doesn't hurt, SHE IS A LIAR!  Seriously.  It's more painful than a tetanus shot and I may or may not have cried :'(

3. My doctor called Elliot "Skeletor!"  I affectionately nicknamed her that early on in our pregnancy after seeing an ultrasound picture of her skull, and it has kinda stuck (mostly with me).  I told my doc about that after seeing another skull shot this afternoon, and that's what she called her for the rest of the appointment!  Have I mentioned how AWESOME she is?!

4. I'm getting REALLY spoiled by getting to see our baby girl progress weekly.  Today she was in a diver's position - head down...hands down...feet down...butt UP!  It has also been confirmed (again) that she is in fact a "she."  I got to see a head full of hair ( that's right people, straight Edwards genes right there) ANNNDDD she also showed me how she can open her mouth real wide and stick out her tongue.  She makes her momma so proud! ;)

5. Doc isn't too worried anymore about me delivering any day now, but thinks it will be somewhere between 36-38 weeks.  This means she could be an Easter baby!  How awesome would it be if her birthday was associated with the day Sweet Jesus resurrected so we could live!  This is also about the same birthday time as my oldest brother, Justin, my precious niece, Madison, and my super duper mom, Mom!

6. I'm still technically on bed rest, but I'm allowed to go and do as I please.  My only two conditions are to rest if I start having contractions, and no major Target shopping trips!  She told me she wasn't mad at my friend for going, and she trusts my friend to listen to her body!

That's about it for this week.  Jarrod is, as usual, the best husband a girl could want.  He is after all a Conner!  I'm still feeling really great - no morning sickness for the past month and very few headaches.  I still get out of breath easily and my contractions still hurt and are making me sore, but I'm continuously counting my blessings - like a REALLY strong uterus!

Until next time...


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bed Rest: Day 30...I Think

So here's a quick update on the last two weeks:
1. I'm still on bed rest.
2. Nothing has changed.

Sorry for all the suspense! ;)

I've been trying to make the most of this whole confined to the bed, get yelled at if I get out, have contractions if I move, stare at the wall, think about random things, thankyoumomanddadformyipadit'ssavedmysanity, crafting is a gift from God...thing.

1. I walk (very, VERY slowly) around the house, placing pictures where I want them hung - Jarrod usually hangs them up for me when he can!

2. A couple days ago, I folded 657134ish loads of laundry, and it felt SO good! (It's the little things, right?  RIGHT?!)

3. I am now a certified expert in detecting liars, thanks for the billion hours of "Lie to Me" that I've watched. I WILL know if you're feeling contempt, fear, surprise, pain, or impatience.

4. Anyone need bows?!

5. I am "Baby Wise," and while I'm convinced Elliot will have GER, GERD, and Colic, it's going to be okay, because I'll know exactly what to do!

6. I have planned the next 6 trips we will take.

7. That's not all, but why bore you with all my "fun and exciting" daily activities?!

That is all for now, but I feel like I need to leave you with a little wisdom I've learned during this whole thing:
 - If you are put on bed rest, do not, under ANY circumstances sneak out of the house and go to Target.
 - If you MUST sneak out and make a trip to Target, make sure you don't run into your OB.
 - If you do run into your OB, pretend you've never seen her before, and run (very, VERY slowly) away!

This happened to someone I know, a "friend" if you will.  Her dr. appointment is tomorrow, and she told me she's bound and determined to act like nothing ever happened.  We'll see how that goes! ;)

I'm off to brush up on my lie detecting skills!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Bed Rest ≠ House Arrest:

Yesterday, Jarrod, Elliot, & I ventured into the outside world for our doctor's appointment!  Nothing has really changed.  I'm still having a ton of contractions, but they're not being productive.  Now, I'm still technically on bed rest, but Doc said I could go to a movie or to dinner if I absolutely HAVE to get out of the house!

Elliot is no longer breech, so instead of kicking my bladder, she's kicking my diaphragm, and punching my bladder.  Awesome. ;)

Other than that, there's not much else to until next week...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

UPDATE: Bed Rest - Day Cinco

 A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.

Sorry if this seems all scattered.  I write as I remember things!

Laying in bed has been the best time for Elliot and I to bond (ie. let her kick the snot out of me)!  I've even found different positions that make her kick me, and others that highly suggest she stop!

As of today, my contractions have become fewer, but they are still just as strong.  I've finished my antibiotic, and there hasn't been much of a change since then.  My hormone pills seem to be working, but just in the sense that I haven't been getting sick since I've started taking them...This is a big change from the all day morning sickness I've had since I was 4 weeks pregnant!  I might request she leave me on those for a while ;)  Tomorrow I'll call the doc and see if we can get on some different contraction medicine.

Here of some things I dream of if/when I get off bed rest:
1. Going outside
2. Walking
3. Doing laundry (scary, right?!)
4. Driving
5. Grocery shopping (I's THAT bad!)
6. Date night with Jarrod
7. Going out to eat
8. Not have some one wait on me hand and foot (although, it is nice at times!)

On a more positive note, the nice thing about being on bed rest is I don't have to go out in this awful weather, and I get to stay in my sweats all day!

Until later...


Sorry if the belly picture weirds you out..this is a picture of Elliot mid-contraction!  To put it into perspective, my stomach is still normally pretty flat(ish) when I lay down.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

Elliot's Nursery

I just want you all to know that Elliot's room is going to be GORGEOUS, thanks to Mimi (Momma Phyllis)!

 I also want you know I will have tons of time to post random stuff on here.  BEWAAAAAAARE!!!!


My View for the Next Two Weeks...

Feel free to come visit me!

Bed Rest is Not As Fun As Resting in Bed


Elliot Josslyn is bound and determined to make and early appearance!  This girl does NOT believe in being fashionably late, and has inherited the Edwards gene of being early to EVERYTHING!  
Much to Jeremy and Stephanie's delight, I'm pretty sure Elliot will enjoy playing soccer.  "How do I know this," you ask?  She's already using my bladder for kicking practice!  While I much rather her in this position than the yoga one she was trying out late last week/this weekend (she was sitting on her left foot, and her right foot was by her head!), the sensation of having to pee every 3 seconds is NOT COOL!

 Results from Monday's tests:

I seem to be "severely dehydrated" which is causing all of my contractions. My doctor has put me on medicine to stop them, so we will see how this works out!

One of the tests they ran checked to make sure Elliot's heart is still beating well and that my cervix isn't thinning out/dialating (TMI?!).  As a result, we got to see our baby girl!

Elliot's stats:
Height: 1' ??"
Leg length 6" (I'm already preparing her to shop in the "tall" section of stores!)
Foot length 2" (These are definitely not Edwards/Deary feet!) - Jarrod has already told me that we can order her shoes online, so she doesn't get embarrassed at the store while trying on super big size shoes!
Weight: 1lb 12 oz.
Brain: present (Lauren and Jarrod can confirm)
Nose: cute as a button
We also saw her wave to us, cover her face, stretch out her legs, kick, punch, and swallow!  Our little girl is sooooooooooo talented already!
Because my medicines and 4350986209871132987 ounces of water hadn't worked, my doctor decided to see me again yesterday (2/3/11).  Here are the updates...

Bad news:
Jill is officially on bed rest. Please pray that Elliot quits trying to make an early appearance and for my sanity as I will be staring at a wall all day for at least the next two weeks!
She has also increased the medicine to stop contractions. If this doesn't work, we have two other medicinal options. If that doesn't work, she will give me a steroid to boost Elliot's lung development and stick me in the hospital for observation. Just remember, all of this is JUST IN CASE!

Good news:
As of this afternoon, Elliot shouldn't be coming for another 3 weeks.
I also found out this morning that my boss is allowing me to work from home!  This is such a blessing!!!!
Not really bad news...not really good news (relatively speaking):
My doctor thinks Elliot will be coming somewhere between 36-38 weeks, and while she will be premature, she won't have the side effects (ADD, Downs, etc.) she could have if she came now.

Everything still looks good other than that, the doctor is just having a hard time figuring out WHY I'm having contractions. Apparently dehydration was not the issue (told ya so!!!). She has put me on two other medications, one in case I have some sort of infection, and another in case my hormones are out of whack. Both of these tests came back negative, but again, JUST IN CASE!!!

Anyways, please continue to pray for Jarrod, Elliot, and I as we adjust to everything. Also, could you please ask God to give Elliot some patience!!!

My next appointment is in a couple weeks, so I will update you all as we find out what's going on!

-Melissa Jill Edwards Conner