Friday, October 26, 2012

Update on #2: This Week and Pictures

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers and words of encouragement.  If I haven't responded to your voicemails, please don't be upset...talking too much makes me out of breath, and I'm trying to do my best to not over work my body in order to give our #2 the best chance at life possible.

Not much has changed since Monday EXCEPT I'm not bleeding nearly as much as I was last week or this weekend.  If this is any indication of what is going on inside my body, I would say we have a MIGHTY God who has started to heal my body.  If this has nothing to do what is actually happening, I would still say we have a MIGHT God, but that He might just have other plans for us and #2.

We have an appointment with my high risk OB on Monday morning, and will update then.  Until then, enjoy these pictures of my non-existent baby bump. :)

I will be 14 weeks on Monday and still haven't taken a picture.  I'll try and make that happen sometime this weekend, but trips downstairs are scarce, and quite frankly I would rather miss these photo ops than risk something happen to the baby!

Please continue to pray for the safety and development of #2, my body, and my sanity.  Also, for Jarrod, Elliot, and my caretakers who are forced to deal with me and my...moods :)

j squared and e squared

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