Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Elliot's Nursery

Ok, so I wasn't going to post any pictures of Elliot's room until after she was born, but quite frankly, I just can't keep it a secret anymore!


I promise I'm putting up curtains (see below)!

My favorite part of her room...the chandelier!

The pitcher in the background provided the inspiration for her room!

The dresser and chest were bought as antiques by my parents before I was born!
I repainted them white (the were stained an orange-brown) and I absolutely LOVE how they turned out!

Elliot's Quilt
We should be getting it later this week.
I can't wait to see the finished product!

These are the curtains from hell and the only one's Elliot will ever have!
Her sweet Mimi is finishing them up and we should have them soon!

These got posted more or less because I'm bored, wanted to blog, and couldn't think of anything to write!  

Enjoy, but if you don't, don't tell me! :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Conner Genes

Today, Elliot had another photo shoot.  My doctor said she wasn't measuring well (she lied), so she scheduled an ultra sound so we could see her one last time!

If there was ever any doubt (which I assure you there wasn't!) about who Elliot's daddy is, this ultra sound cleared it right up.  She is, by far, her daddy's girl!  Seriously.  They even make the same facial expressions!

Here are some pretty cool things we got to see today:
1. Her face.  She's got the fattest little cheeks and the cutest lips.  EVER!
2. Her feet.  She's even got Jarrod's feet...down to the second and third toes being longer than the first!
3. Her hair.  She's got a TON of hair and long eyelashes.  I feel these are the only attributes I contributed to our child!
4. Her hands.  Her long fingers are going to be perfect for setting and hitting volleyballs!
5. Ok, let's be honest with each other.  Every bit of her is super adorable, and she is absolutely PERFECT!

Elliot is weighing in at 5 pounds 6 ounces.  I've decided that's big enough, and I'm ready for her to come out now!

Below are some pictures we got today:

Elliot's Heartbeat in the mid 130's.

Sleepy Baby

This picture just screams, "Jarrod!"

Fat cheeks, I can't wait to squeeeeze them!!!

Daddy's feet.  I'm starting to wonder if this child is even mine!
Part of her profile.  Look how cute those little lips are!

All those white spikey looking things are her hair!

I apologize for all of the pictures, and I do realize I have become "that parent" who shows everybody all of the pictures their child has ever taken.  I just can't help it :)

I'm still having a ton of contractions.  Some are really painful, but for the most part, they've become bearable again.  We have another appointment on Friday, so I will update everyone then.  Hopefully I will have dilated even more and my doctor will say, "Jill, let's have that baby today!" 

Until then...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wish You Were Here...

As I write this from my living room couch, I wish I was there too! But, as Jarrod's and my second anniversary approaches, we will be sitting on our couch, watching movies, and eating take-out. That's right, people, this lady is back on bed rest, and this time my doctor means it!

Yesterday, we had our doctor's appointment and it couldn't have come any sooner. Ever since Sunday, my contractions continually got worse. At 34 weeks I was convinced my uterus was going to fall out. Awesome, right?! Any who, my doctor checked my cervix, and sure enough I am almost 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Progress! After she checked my cervix, she did a quick ultra sound to make sure Elliot is doing well. Anyone care to guess how rotten this little girl is? No need, I'll go ahead and tell you...since being on bed rest, Elliot has been such a good baby, but now when I'm ready for her to come out, she of course is breach. Thanks girl, 'preciate it! When I told her what all had been going on this past week and seeing how much pain I was in (and maybe even a few minutes of begging her to induce me), she sent me over to the hospital's testing center to see why my contractions were so hard.

When I first got there, my contractions were 6-8 minutes apart. They tested my blood to see if Elliot's had gotten mixed in with mine. Negative. I also got a nice shot of muscle relaxers and pain killers and a pill to stop my contractions. When my contractions were far enough apart, I was released on STRICT bed rest. Our next big ultra sound is Monday and appointment is Friday.

I know we've only got two more weeks until Elliot is considered term, but I can't help but feel a little selfish and hope she comes out before then (like today). Please pray for my patience and comfort, Elliot's development, and Jarrod's continued support as the three of us take these next few weeks day to day.

Until Monday...