Throughout the pregnancy, but especially once I hit the third trimester, my OB and I played around with the idea of inducing at 38 weeks, especially with my entire pregnancy contractions, and the complications we had with Elliot.
(3/25) At my 36 week checkup, when she saw how big he was in the ultrasound, we went ahead and set the date for April 8 with the understanding that if I delivered after 5pm, she wouldn't be able to be there.
(3/30) I have to go to the hospital because of more bleeding. After an hour or so of being there, it was pretty much determined to be a fluke, and as she was about to release us I all of a sudden vagaled out.* (This is the first time Jarrod realized E2 was taking everything out of me.) After an IV and some blood work, we were sent home where I had to take it easy (and eat crawfish).
(4/1) 37 week checkup. Tell my doctor about hospital visit. She doesn't seem too concerned. We confirm for the following Monday, but neither one of us are completely comfortable. She wasn't, because she was nervous about me delivering after she had to leave for the day. I still couldn't tell you why I wasn't. After my checkup, I called Jarrod to talk things over with him. He told me to take my time and think about everything and just make a decision by Friday.
(4/2-6) I nearly pass out 4 more times, each one of them being worse than before. Decision has been made. Take this baby out of me NOW!
7:00 - Call doctor, and she sends me to L&D at hospital
8:30 - Arrive at hospital. 3cm, 70% effaced, and -3 station. Jarrod predicts Edward will be 8lb 3oz, and I say 8lb 2oz. My nurse tells us there is absolutely no way there's an 8 pound baby in my body and tells us he'll be closer to 7lb 6oz.
9:30 - Pitocin IV started. I pass out again (contrary to the nurse's belief, it's NOT because of the needle)
11:00ish - My contractions are REALLY strong and 1:30 apart, so the nurse turns down the pitocin. I beg her not to...I'm seriously ready to deliver this baby.
12:50 - I jokingly tell my nurse I'm toying with the idea of getting my epidural BEFORE my water is broken. It's still very fresh in my mind what happened last time, and I'm okay not ever experiencing that again!
12:55 - Dr. comes to check on me and breaks my water. She also makes the prediction that Edward will be 7lb, 12oz. after telling me there's no way he's even close to 8 lb.**
1:43 - My epidural is in and proven itself mostly effective. I feel human again. The nurse checks me one more time - 7cm, 100% effaced, and +2 station
3:00ish - My nurse tells me to let her know when I feel pressure so she can check me again.
3:07 - I tell my nurse she might want to check me. She does...the baby is falling out. Dr. is called.
3:15 - Dr. arrives and has to help the nurse finish setting things up. She's joking around about something that happened early and how priceless my face was. I kindly warn her to stop. :)
3:23 - Start pushing
3:25 - Our world is changed forever!
![]() |
8 pounds, 3 ounces 20.5 inches |
His face was so blue from coming out so quickly, it scared my dr. It wasn't until he had been screaming for a bit, and the rest of his body was pink, that she realized he wasn't oxygen deprived, just beaten up. After everything was cleaned up and put back in its place, Jarrod brought Elliot in so they could meet for the first time ever. Her reaction to him was priceless as she couldn't stop kissing him and calling him "brudder" and "Ehward!"
That's about all the story you're going to get, and hope I didn't scare you with an overload of information you did NOT want to know! I'll post a few of his newborn pictures soon, but here's a teaser for now!
Thank you to each and every one of you for your love, support, prayers, and encouraging words you have shared with our family from the very beginning. Each one of them and you means the world to us!
Until next time...
jsquared & esquared
i love your stories, comments and Elliot's reaction to meeting her sweet baby brother!. Congrats on a beautiful addition and -ps. you look phenomenal !!