
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hello, Again!

Before Elliot was born, new (and old) moms would complain about not having enough time to do what they wanted.  This would make me so mad, because I figured that if they really wanted to do it, they would find the time.  HA!  Let's just say that crafting is a thing of the past and clean hair is a luxury much to be desired!  Having said that, I wouldn't trade being a trophy wife/stay at home mom for the world.  I was prepared to be completely disheveled and feel like I was walking around in circles dreaming of sleep.  Lack of sleep I can handle, but not having me time? MAKES.  ME.  CRAZY!

Now that I've got that off my chest, here's what's been going on the past three and a half months.

On June 19th I got baptized.  I walked the aisle when I was five, but actually got saved my freshman year of high school.

On June 22, we added a sister to our Conner Clan!  Jarrod's little brother, Jess, married his gorgeous wife, Kayla, in Cancun.  As beautiful as she is on the inside, she's even more so on the inside.  She has a heart of gold, and a spirit for the Lord.  I honestly couldn't have picked a better wife for Jess, and I can't wait to see them grow old and moldy together!

July was the month of not being at home!  We had two baby showers hosted by our sweet friends and family in Opelousas and Woodville.  Since I wasn't allowed to travel before E Baby was born, we had to have them after, but they were better than I could have imagined!  Jess and Kayla also had a reception in Woodville for the friends and family who weren't able to make it to Cancun.  This made me especially happy since E was 5 weeks old when they got married, and my doctor told me I was crazy for wanting to take her to Mexico!

And then we get to August!  Jarrod and I have made it a point to veg out as much as possible to recover from last month...except we painted our bedroom.  Again.  That's right people, puberty boy blue is out, and slate grey, teal, white, and new curtains are SO in!  We put our dresser and chest in the closet and it makes the room look so fresh and clean.  I love it!  Next weekend, I'm going to tackle our bath room.  I seriously can't wait!

Now we get to the gross part of parenting.  Diapers.  At the beginning of July, we started using cloth diapers for Elliot.  No, we aren't those psycho crazy hippie people who want to save the world one plastic diaper at a time!  We (and by we I mean I) decided to use cloth for economic reasons.  While it is quite a large initial investment (thanks to Mom, not quite so large - thanks!) it's actually a lot cheaper in the long run.  Not only will we be able to use the same ones until she's potty trained, but we can use them for all our kids, ANNNDDD people will actually buy them for about what we paid when we're done with them.  Gross, I know, but to each his own!  Now, don't get me wrong, besides the fact that they come in all sorts of cute colors and prints, there is NOTHING glamorous about it.  They are, in fact, still diapers...and I'll just leave it at that!  But seriously, imagine not having to buy anymore diapers.  Ever!  By the way, in case you were curious, we use fuzzi bunz and bum genius.  They're awesome and I highly recommend both!

Anywho, I think that's about it for now.  Hopefully it won't be three months before we meet again!

Oh yeah, go check out Jarrod's blog.  It'll totally make him feel special!
