First things first, we've got to get something straight. If Elliot turns out to be spoiled, it will have NOTHING to do with Jarrod and I. It will strictly be the result of her grandparents, aunts, and uncles! I've got a feeling she'll never want for anything, and we'll be cleaning out her closet often!
Now, down to business! December 2010 was our best Christmas month yet!

We started December off with the annual Chhengmas Dirty Santa Christmas Party at Sam and Grace Chheng-Prableck's house. Here we got to eat some amazing food (Jarrod came in second place for his dish) and we went home with some year old Asian chocolates (seriously?!) and some car cleaning stuff from the Shell supply closet downtown. We had such a great time, and we're looking forward to taking home first place for the "Best Food Dish" next year!
The next weekend, we had our first annual Radius Christmas Partay. This was an Ugly Christmas

Sweater Partay, and while there were some hideous sweaters (Matching ladies vests, penguins, an eagle with a santa hat, and a Kwanza one), my AWESOME husband took home the grand prize for ugliest male sweater. It was complete with two very large Christmas trees, Frosty the snowman, cotton ball snow, and battery operated Christmas tree lights. I will have you know he made this by hand and the vision is straight from his head. I'm starting to rub my creativity off on him :) We had a white elephant partay as well, and ended up going home with an awesome garage stop sign thingy. After we exchanged gifts, somehow we ended up taking awkward family photos.
<---Here is one of the pictures we took (all of our really awkward ones came out blury). We also played Battle of the Sexes...girls won...duh, and left the Dyers' house with full bellies (pun intended), a random stop sign, and lots of wonderful memories with an amazing group of people that God has blessed Jarrod and I to know.
100 Hours of Christmas started on Wednesday the 22nd and ended Sunday evening!
Wednesday, after a few hours at work and in a Target parking lot, we headed north to Kingwood, and spent the evening at the Suazo's house - Jarrod's aunt and uncle. We opened gifts, ate, and walked around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights.
We got to spend the 23rd and Christmas Eve at my mom and dad's house with my brothers and their wives and kiddos. This is always special for me, because it isn't very often we all get to be together! Although this was was only my second time ever to not to get to spend Christmas Day in Opelousas, it was much different from last time. Jarrod and I got to wake up Christmas Eve and open up Gifts from "Santa" with just my parents, Jarrod, and me. I like it soooo much better this way, because it's a lot more intimate. Annnd since I wasn't going to be there for Christmas morning, I made Mom and Dad tell me, in great detail, what every single person was getting, what it looked like, what they would use it for, etc. After we had Christmas Eve lunch and opened gifts from each other, Jarrod, Elliot, Emma, Zeus, and I made our trek towards Woodville where we spent the rest of the weekend.
I didn't cry at all on our way to Woodville. You have no idea how big of a deal this is!
The rest of Christmas weekend was relaxing and laid back. We woke up Christmas morning - I woke up at 5:00 and listened to the icicle lights hit the outside wall in the "northern wind" (ahem Pop C) while the rest of the family slept soundly. Everyone else FINALLY decided to wake up and we all started opening gifts from each other and Santa. Joan, DK, Carson, and I spent the entire day in our pj's while we all lounged around the house, grazing on food/sweets, watching Christmas movies, and playing with our new toys! On Sunday after church, we had the Christmas with the Kranks...I mean Conner Christmas! Mom and Dad got to come over for this, and it was fun getting to share that with them this year!
So back to Elliot! Here are a FEW of the things she got for Christmas this year.

Seriously, the girls not even born yet, and she's already spoiled! Jarrod and I are doomed! I cannot even imagine what it will be like after she's born!
We hope you had a very Merry Christmas as well, and that the Lord blesses you with many New Years to come!
-Jarrod, Jill, and Elliot